Halloween Tips for Healthy Teeth
Whether you have ghosts or goblins around the house or not, the lure of Halloween candy and treats will be around this month.
You've been told time and time again that candy causes tooth decay, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the occasional treat.
If you are going to indulge, there are some things you can do to limit the damage done to your teeth. With young ones around the house (or not), here are a few tips we can offer before the inevitable increase of candy consumption.
For Your Safety:
- Inspect any candy received during trick or treating adventures.
For Your Health:
- Limit the number of sweets they consume.
- Ensure they eat a large, healthy meal before they venture out (if they are not hungry, they will be less likely to sneak too many treats during their journey).
For Their Teeth:
- Ensure they eat sweets for only a short period of time (to reduce the exposure to their teeth).
- Encourage them to rinse their mouths with water immediately after they consume any sugary or starchy treats.
- Limit sticky and hard candies, especially for those with braces.
- Ensure they brush and floss at least twice daily.
- Make sure they drink water throughout the day.
- Speak to us about dental sealants to offer increased protection for their teeth.
For You:
- Wait a day or two before Halloween to purchase any candy. If it's not in the house, you won't eat it.
- Stay away from the candies you bought for Trick-o-Treaters. If you need a treat, reward yourself with something more health-conscious (a piece of imported dark chocolate often hits the spot).
- Try to eat your treat during a meal. There is increased saliva production while eating, which helps to flush out acid caused by bacteria.
- Chewing sugarless gum after a meal increases the amount of saliva in the mouth as well.
- Take any leftover candies to your office in the morning so they are not around your home to tempt you.
If you have to drive, please take extra care for Trick-o-Treaters on the street. We encourage you to dress up, remember to have fun... and, oh yeah... Happy Halloween!